Friday, June 4, 2010


You know those lovely words that you make up when you aren't thinking clearly, or that you fumble out when you can't decide between two words in your head and they come out together as one?

We've had a string of burglaries in the neighborhood lately, starting with my brother's car where a client's computer was stolen. They caught two of the three thieves the other night, but one got away (the police think it was a female). Apparently parental numero uno heard someone outside at 1 am this morning and took the dog out (with her cell phone in case things went south). It was a suspicious looking female who claimed she was walking her dog. She then proceeded to let the dog out of the car, which homed in on our poor golden retriever and went straight to attack mode. Parental tried to gently kick the dog away (we would never hurt animals, but we do fiercely protect our own). Needless to say, this all made quite a racket that I apparently slept through.

So, I was talking to the parental about the incident this morning after I woke up, and she was astounded that I didn't hear any of it. I made some comment about how my cat must have smothered me hearing, but I pronounced it with a hard "o" instead of the "u" sound that it's supposed to be. Unfortunately, I've yet to hear the end of it.

Furthermore, I was talking to parental numero dos at lunch today, and he decided to talk about family history. He made some comment about all the singers in our ancestral lines. Now, just to set the record straight, I cannot sing on key. At all. I love to sing, so I'll belt out every country song I know in some horrendous pitch whether you like it or not, but I really can't sing. I sent a text message to a good friend who has a voice to die for, and I asked her why I missed out on the vocal genes. It randomly hit me about two hours later that I typed "quire" when I meant "choir". So really, what malfunction occurs in our brains to cause cute spelling mishaps and fancy new words to pop out?

For good old fashioned english fun, I give you Enjoy!

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